Top 36 Publication (SCI):
Soni, P., Islam, S. K. H., Pal, A. K., Mishra, N., & Debabrata Samanta. (2024). Blockchain-based User Authentication and Data-sharing Framework for Healthcare Industries. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering.
D Singh, A K Biswal, Debabrata Samanta, V Singh, S Kadry, A Khan, Y Nam, Smart High Yield Tomato Cultivation: Precision Irrigation System using Internet of Things (IoT), Frontiers in Plant Science, Volume 14 - 2023.
Gurunath R, Debabrata Samanta, “A New 3-bit Hiding Covert Channel Algorithm for Public Data and Medical Data Security using Format-Based Text Steganography.” Journal of Database Management (JDM), Special Issue Submission: Security and Privacy of Big Data using Internet of Everything, ISSN: 1063-8016|EISSN: 1533-8010.
S Kaushik, R C Poonia, S K Khatri, Debabrata Samanta, P Chakraborty, "Transmit Range Adjustment Using Artificial Intelligence for Enhancement of Location Privacy and Data Security in Service Location Protocol of VANET", Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, vol. 2022, Article ID 9642774, 13 pages, 2022.
L Dash, B K Pattanayak, D Singh, Debabrata Samanta, and Y Rimal, "Network Lifetime Enhancement by Elimination of Spatially and Temporally Correlated RFID Surveillance Data in WSNs", Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, vol. 2022, Article ID 2437578, 12 pages, 2022.
A Pati, M Parhi, B K Pattanayak, D Singh, Debabrata Samanta, A Banerjee, S Biring, G K Dalapati, "Diagnose Diabetic Mellitus Illness Based on IoT Smart Architecture", Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, vol. 2022, Article ID 7268571, 20 pages, 2022.
R. R. Althar, Debabrata Samanta, M. Kaur, D. Singh and H. -N. Lee, "Automated Risk Management based Software Security Vulnerabilities Management," in IEEE Access, 2022, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3185069.
S R Gundu, P Charanarur, K k. Chandelkar, Debabrata Samanta, R C Poonia , and P Chakraborty, “Sixth-Generation (6G) Mobile Cloud Security and Privacy Risks for AI System Using High-Performance Computing Implementation.” Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, vol. 2022, May 2022, p. e4397610.,
D Singh; S Bano; Debabrata Samanta; SK H Islam; M. S. Mekala, “Deep Learning Inspired Nonlinear Classification Methodology for Handwritten Digits Recognition Using DSR Encoder.” Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Apr. 2022. Springer Link,
J Piri, P Mohapatra, D Singh, Debabrata Samanta, D Singh, M Kaur, H Lee, Mining and Interpretation of Critical Aspects of Infant Health Status Using Multi-Objective Evolutionary Feature Selection Approaches, IEEE Access, 2022, IEEE Xplore,
A K Biswal, D Singh, B K Pattanayak, Debabrata Samanta, A Banerjee, Seteikin A.Y, Samusev I.G, “IoT-Based Response Time Analysis of Messages for Smart Autonomous Collision Avoidance System Using Controller Area Network.” Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, vol. 2022, Apr. 2022, p. e1149842.,
Gurunath R, Debabrata Samanta, “A Novel Approach for Semantic Web Application in Online Education Based on Steganography.” International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies (IJWLTT), vol. 17, no. 4, Sept. 2022, pp. 1–13.,
A Guha; Debabrata Samanta; S H Islam, “IIRM: Intelligent Information Retrieval Model for Structured Documents by One-Shot Training Using Computer Vision.” Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Mar. 2022. Springer Link,
U Nagavelli, Debabrata Samanta, P Chakraborty ,“Machine Learning Technology-Based Heart Disease Detection Models.” Journal of Healthcare Engineering, vol. 2022, Feb. 2022, p. e7351061.,
R R Althar, A Alahmadi, Debabrata Samanta, M Z Khan and A H. Alahmadi, “Mathematical Foundations Based Statistical Modeling of Software Source Code for Software System Evolution.” Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, vol. 19, no. 4, 2022, pp. 3701–19.,
P Bondada, Debabrata Samanta, M Kaur, H Lee, Data Security-Based Routing in MANETs Using Key Management Mechanism. Applied Sciences. 2022; 12(3):1041.
A Guha, A Alahmadi, Debabrata Samanta, M z Khan, A H. Alahmadi, “A Multi-Modal Approach to Digital Document Stream Segmentation for Title Insurance Domain.” IEEE Access, 2022, IEEE Xplore,
D Singh; A K Biswal; Debabrata Samanta, D Singh, H Lee, 2022. "Juice Jacking: Security Issues and Improvements in USB Technology" Sustainability 14, no. 2: 939.
R R Althar, Debabrata Samanta, M Kaur, A A Alnuaim, N Aljaffan, M A Ullah, “Software Systems Security Vulnerabilities Management by Exploring the Capabilities of Language Models Using NLP.” Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, vol. 2021, Dec. 2021, p. e8522839.,
D Singh, J Bhanipati, A K Biswal, Debabrata Samanta, S Joshi, P K Shukla, S Nuagah, “Approach for Collision Minimization and Enhancement of Power Allocation in WSNs.” Journal of Sensors, vol. 2021, Dec. 2021, p. e7059881.,
P Bondada, Debabrata Samanta, S A Chaudhry, Y B Zikria, F Ishmanov, “Efficient Neighbour Feedback Based Trusted Multi Authenticated Node Routing Model for Secure Data Transmission.” Sustainability, vol. 13, no. 23, Jan. 2021, p. 13296.,
Samanta, Debabrata, et al. “Optimized Tree Strategy with Principal Component Analysis Using Feature Selection-Based Classification for Newborn Infant’s Jaundice Symptoms.” Journal of Healthcare Engineering, vol. 2021, Nov. 2021, p. e9806011.,
R. Gurunath, M. F. J. Klaib, D. Samanta and M. Z. Khan, "Social Media and Steganography: Use, Risks and Current Status," in IEEE Access, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3125128.
A K Biswal, D Singh, B K Pattanayak, Debabrata Samanta, S A Chaudhry, A Irshad, "Adaptive Fault-Tolerant System and Optimal Power Allocation for Smart Vehicles in Smart Cities Using Controller Area Network", Security and Communication Networks, vol. 2021, Article ID 2147958, 13 pages, 2021.
N G Eapen, Debabrata Samanta, M Kaur, J F. Al-Amri, and M Masud, “Elementary Methods for Generating Three-Dimensional Coordinate Estimation and Image Reconstruction from Series of Two-Dimensional Images.” Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2021, Sept. 2021, p. e9494368.,
R. Gurunath, A. H. Alahmadi, D. Samanta, M. Z. Khan and A. Alahmadi, "A Novel Approach for Linguistic Steganography Evaluation Based on Artificial Neural Networks," in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 120869-120879, 2021, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3108183
D. Samanta et al., "Cipher Block Chaining Support Vector Machine for Secured Decentralized Cloud Enabled Intelligent IoT Architecture," in IEEE Access, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3095297.
A. Guha, D. Samanta, A. Banerjee and D. Agarwal, "A Deep Learning Model for Information Loss Prevention From Multi-Page Digital Documents," in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 80451-80465, 2021, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3084841.
M. S. Mekala, R Patan, SK H Islam, Debabrata Samanta, G A Mallah, S A Chaudhry, "DAWM: Cost-Aware Asset Claim Analysis Approach on Big Data Analytic Computation Model for Cloud Data Centre", Security and Communication Networks, vol. 2021, Article ID 6688162, 16 pages, 2021.
Debabrata Samanta, Karthikeyan MP , A Banerjee , H Inokawa, Tunable graphene nano-patch antenna design for on-chip integrated terahertz detector arrays with potential application in cancer imagining, Nanomedicine, ISSN:1743-5889, May 2021, p. nnm-2020-0386. (Crossref), doi:10.2217/nnm-2020-0386 .
Anil Kumar Biswal, Debabrata Singh, Binod Kumar Pattanayak, Debabrata Samanta, Ming-Hour Yang, "IoT-Based Smart Alert System for Drowsy Driver Detection", Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, vol. 2021, Article ID 6627217, 13 pages, 2021.
M. Maheswari, S. Geetha, S. Selva kumar, M. Karuppiah, D. Samanta and Y. Park, "PEVRM: Probabilistic Evolution based Version Recommendation Model for Mobile Applications," in IEEE Access, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3053583.
Gomathy, V., Padhy, N., Samanta, D. et al. Malicious node detection using heterogeneous cluster based secure routing protocol (HCBS) in wireless adhoc sensor networks. J Ambient Intell Human Comput 11, 4995–5001 (2020).
Sivakumar, P., Nagaraju, R., Samanta, D. et al. A novel free space communication system using nonlinear InGaAsP microsystem resonators for enabling power-control toward smart cities. Wireless Netw 26, 2317–2328 (2020).
Khamparia, A, Singh, PK, Rani, P, Samanta, D, Khanna, A, Bhushan, B. An internet of health things‐driven deep learning framework for detection and classification of skin cancer using transfer learning. Trans Emerging Tel Tech. 2020;e3963. .
Paul, M., Sanyal, G., Samanta, D., Nguyen, G.N., & Le, D. (2018). Admission control algorithm based on the effective bandwidth in vehicle-to-infrastructure communication. IET Commun., 12, 704-711.